Office news Trade Mark of the Year
Ideju fitness un tiny giant

On conclusion of the third quarter of the year, the Latvian Patent Office has selected the next eight candidates for the main award of the Trademark of the Year 2024 competition. During the next week,  we will introduce a series of publications about the companies – owners of creative, expressive and witty trademarks, candidates for the main award of the competition selected in various nominations.

Nomination: Trademark of the Year for Latvia

Category: Word Marks

Ideas and innovations also need fitness

Gaining of knowledge, motivation to promptly use it and training of creative thinking - all these three elements are combined in one service and trademark “Ideju fitness” (Idea Fitness), which was created in 2016 by the then association, but since 2020 – a limited liability company “Idea Innovation Institute”. The main goal of the company is to help individuals and organizations discover the potential of creativity and promote its practical implementation, while raising public awareness of the importance of  managing ideas and innovation, and to develop innovative projects.

“The Idea Fitness project has reached almost all regions of Latvia and even some foreign countries. It has proved that creative people can be found everywhere and in all age groups - from kindergarten students to seniors, from experienced entrepreneurs to those who are still looking for their first ideas!” reveals Elīna Miķelsone , the company’s manager and the author of the idea.

Since 2020, the Idea Fitness training course has been taken by professionals in various fields, including businessmen, teachers, students, as well as culture and policy makers. There has also been created a special course format - Idea Fitness in the Dark, where the idea management process takes place without visual perception, thus making it inclusive.

Nomination: Trademark of the Year for the European Union

Category: Figurative Marks

Great power in small things – “tiny giant” coffee

A single coffee bean is very small, yet each coffee bean contains a big story in itself, and together they have great power. This is how the company’s owner Edgars Dzirkalis talks about the origin of the coffee brand and trademark “tiny giant”. The Tiny Giant enterprise was established just at the beginning of this year, while the idea of ​​creating a company and offering "specialty" coffee“ came to the two guys with more than ten years of friendship much earlier.

The team worked on the trademark design for more than half a year, until the picture of an amusing man with big eyes was finally created. "We were inspired by the profession of  barista, or Italian coffee master. With our design, we wanted to show how prestigious this profession is, while adding a touch of humour to it, since the coffee industry is a very serious business. Also, the man’s wide-open eyes demonstrate how much power coffee and caffeine have," the co-owner of the company explains the humorous effect of the mark.

The coffee packaging design is developed in such a way that the product is exportable, attracts attention and at the same time is sustainable, taking into account the trends of the European Union in this field. Therefore, the packaging is made of biologically recyclable material that decomposes itself over time, while customers can also receive coffee in special reusable buckets. Currently, customers are offered six different types of coffee to please different tastes.