Since 10 December 2018, a quality management system has been implemented and certified at the Latvian Patent Office (LPO) under ISO 9001:2015.
In early October 2024, a recertification audit of the LPO’s quality management system was successfully completed. During the audit, no non-conformities were identified, and the management system was recognized as effective and compliant with the standard.
As a result of the audit, the international organization DNV, one of the leading certification service providers in the world, issued the LPO a certificate of compliance for the next three-year period.
Certification areas of the LPO's quality management system:
- Ensuring registration and post-registration procedures for objects of industrial property and maintaining relevant registers.
- Providing information about and promoting awareness of intellectual property rights.
- Organizing the qualification exam for professional patent attorneys and maintaining the related list.
Quality Policy Statement
The quality policy determines any work activities of the LPO’s employees.
Each LPO’s employee acts in accordance with international agreements, standards, and regulations in the field, the LPO’s strategic goals, quality management system and client requirements, ensuring a long-term growth of the LPO as an accessible, reliable and secure organization with motivated, responsive, competent, and understanding employees.
Any deviation from the criteria set by the LPO’s quality system is openly communicated, corrected and eliminated, understanding the causes of this deviation and recognizing the importance of people involvement and promoting it for continuous improvement.
All suggestions for improvement of the quality system are analysed and understood, and the proposed improvements are implemented in accordance with the processes established at the LPO.