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Receiving restrictions

Within three months after the European Patent Office has published a European patent application in the official edition of the European Patent Office, the owner of the patent shall submit to the Patent Office a translation of the claims of the European patent in Latvian and shall pay the fee for the publication. The European patent, in which Latvia is a designated country, confers the same rights as the national patent, starting on the date of publication of the European Patent Office notice regarding the granting of the patent.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    1. An application for a specified sample;
    2. The translation of claims of the European patent into Latvian.

  2. Receipt of services
    After receipt of the relevant application and payment of the prescribed fee, the Patent Office shall check whether the translation of the claims corresponds to the original. If the translation of claims contains grammatical, terminological or other errors, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof, recommending that the amendments be made. After co-ordination of the translation, the Patent Office shall publish the translation in the official publication.

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Position Price
For publication of the translation of claims of an European patent and of an extended European patent, and for publication of corrected translation 40.00 EUR

We offer to submit a request for validation/extension of a European patent in/to Latvia by using an online application form.

It is the fastest and simplest way of sending a request.

The application form includes the instructions and explanations on how to use it.

In order to use this service, you must be authenticated with one of the authentication tools on the portal

You can interrupt the process of submission, save it to your computer and proceed with it at any time convenient for you.

The service is available 24 hours a day.

This is a paid service: Fees

The application can be submitted electronically, using E-service, E-address or e-mail address, if the application is signed with a secure electronic signature (if the application does not contain special categories of personal data), as well as in person.