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Receiving restrictions

The owner of a design may request the cancellation of the design of the registry before registration of designs expires. Complete registration, the request may be extended to all or only some of the designs included in the registration. The application you can specify the date on which the design should preferably be excluded from the register, but it cannot be earlier than the date of receipt of the submission Patent Office (Designs Act 36 (first and second paragraphs).

Process description

  1. An application regarding the cancellation of the design of the Register upon submission of the initi
    Submit an application (in free form), which includes:
    1) a request for cancellation of the design from the Register, indicating the registration number, as well as the number;
    2) information that allows you to clearly establish a registration owner;
    3) where registration include several designs, you must specify whether the request applies to all or only some of the designs included in the registration;
    4) the date on which the design should preferably be excluded from the register.

    If, in respect of registration of designs in the State Register of Designs shall be included in the details of one or several valid licensing agreements, the submission shall be accompanied by written consent of the design of the relevant licensees to exclusion from the register (original).

    The application shall be added if the term of office shall be furnished by the plenipotentiary party. To be submitted to the mandate of the original. The authorization may be drawn up in free form, but that the substance of the Civil Law must comply with the general provisions concerning authorisation agreement. If an applicant wishes he could use the Patent Office the power of attorney form.

    When submitting a request to exclude a design from the register, it is required to pay the specified fee (see Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 723 of 15 December 2015, Patent Management Fees Pricelist).

  2. The exclusion from the Register upon the initiative of the owner of the publication and
    If a submission regarding the exclusion from the Register upon initiative of the owner meets the requirements prescribed by law, the Patent Office shall take a decision regarding the exclusion from the Register (complex in the case of registration - for all or a separate registration of designs to be removed from the register) of the date specified by the owner, but not before the date on which application received Patent Office.

    Information regarding the exclusion from the Register shall include the National Register of Designs.
    Information regarding the exclusion from the Register shall be published in Official Gazette of the Patent Office. The owner of the registration of designs shall issue extracts from the design Register regarding the exclusion from the Register; an extract shall be issued in paper or electronic format.


Position Price
Amendments and corrections in the Register of Industrial Designs (including cancellation of a design registration on the initiative of the owner (surrender of the registration) under Section 36 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Designs) 30.00 EUR

The application can be submitted electronically, using E-service, E-address or e-mail address, if the application is signed with a secure electronic signature (if the application does not contain special categories of personal data), as well as in person.