Process description
Service requests
A patent attorney of a Member State who wishes to extend the right of temporary professional activity in Latvia shall submit a relevant request to the Patent Office, documents certifying that he or she is performing a professional activity in the field of industrial property rights protection in Latvia, and shall pay the fee in the amount and in accordance with the procedures specified in the Patent Office price list of paid services. -
Decision making
After receipt of the request to extend the rights of temporary professional activity in Latvia and the specified fee, the Director of the Patent Office shall instruct the Commission to provide an opinion within three weeks that shall be considered upon taking a decision to extend temporary activity.
If based upon oral or written explanations of the patent attorney of the Member State the Commission concludes that the patent attorney of the Member State has sufficient knowledge of the official language for professional activity with Latvian persons and institutions, has the knowledge of the laws and regulations of Latvia necessary for the professional activity and also concludes that his or her professional qualification complies with the qualification which is necessary for permanent activity in Latvia in the relevant specialisation, the Director of the Patent Office shall take a decision to include the patent attorney of the Member State in the List without any time limits. -
Receipt of services
The decision of the Director of the Patent Office may be contested by the patent attorney before the Ministry of Justice within a month after notification of the decision.
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