Office news

A regional seminar for enforcement authorities is taking place in Riga, Latvia, from 22 to 24 May. It is co-organized by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) via the Observatory, the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia and the National Customs Board of Latvia.

Enforcers from a number of countries, including Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Iceland and Poland will attend the seminar, as well as a number of representatives from international organizations like the European Commission, Europol and Eurojust, EUIPO; and private sector representatives from BMW Group AG, Pfizer Inc., Andreas Stihl AG & Co.KG and CropLife International.

Presentations will be given on a wide variety of topics including the current tendencies in combating counterfeiting and piracy, the importance of operational cases and cooperation in dismantling IPR violation networks, internet trade, and best practices in cooperation with the private sector finding possibly counterfeit and unsafe goods, etc.

Workshops and panel discussions will be organized, during which participants will have an opportunity to discuss the level of cooperation between customs and police as well as with the private sector in their respective countries.

The Observatory regional seminars are organized in order to facilitate networking among the delegates and to raise awareness on the ongoing activities in the regions.


Prepared by:

Santa Lozda
Leading advisor
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia
Phone: 67227310