Office news Schoolchildren
Apbalvošanas pasākums

On Saturday, 3 December, the Patent Office participated in “OTHER BAZAAR in Winter”, an annual event of student enterprises organised by Junior Achievement Latvia (JA Latvia).

Throughout the day, the student enterprises and visitors could attend the Patent Office’s stand and learn about the opportunities of industrial property protection, while the Patent Office awarded the best primary and secondary school student enterprises in the nomination "Knowledge-based product", which are:

  • In the primary school group – student enterprise Komatieris (Agenskalns State Gymnasium), for developing an interactive website on the correct use of punctuation in written works in Latvian;
  • In the secondary school group – student enterprise HOOL (Riga State Gymnasium No 3), for producing reed straws used for any type of drink. Soon, the student enterprise will offer PET filament for 3D printers and a device for processing it.

The Patent Office was represented in the jury by Director Agris Batalauskis.

This year, the event was held at the “Domina Shopping” mall, where anyone interested could visit the stands of the student enterprises and buy the goods and services offered by them. “OTHER BAZAAR in Winter" brought together 270 student enterprises from all over Latvia.

The experienced jury evaluated the work of the student enterprises in nine nominations:

  • Socially responsible student enterprise
  • Technologically innovative product/ service
  • Best sales team
  • Knowledge-based product/ service
  • Social media communication award
  • Product/service ready for international business
  • Sustainable product/ service
  • Business potential
  • Best stand

More information about “OTHER BAZAAR in Winter” is available on the website of JA Latvia.

The event was carried out in cooperation with the long-term partners Swedbank, Domina Shopping and the Education, Culture and Sports Department of Riga City Council in the frames of the Innovation Motivation Programme implemented by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the European Union.